May 2023 – Earl Nightingale’s “Lead the Field”

Earl Nightingale’s “Lead the Field” is a motivational audio program where he presents many life-enhancing ideas. As there are numerous insights across the entire program, I will summarize what is generally considered his twelve key principles:

  1. The Magic Word (Attitude): Nightingale proposes that one’s attitude toward life determines life’s attitude toward them. To achieve success, one should have a positive outlook, have high expectations, and be willing to work towards one’s goals.
  • Acres of Diamonds (Opportunities): One doesn’t need to search far and wide for the opportunity; it exists in one’s own backyard. Nightingale suggests focusing on one’s immediate environment and extracting value from their present circumstances.
  • A Worthy Destination (Goals): Nightingale emphasizes the importance of having clearly defined goals. Just as a ship needs a set course to arrive at a destination, people need goals to guide their actions and provide a sense of direction.
  • Miracle of Your Mind (Thoughts): Our thoughts shape our lives. By choosing to focus on positive, empowering thoughts, we can influence the trajectory of our lives in a positive manner.
  • Destination Success (Success Principles): Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This means that success is not a destination, but a journey where one keeps progressing towards one’s goals.
  • Seeds For Achievement (Personal Development): This principle emphasizes personal development. Nightingale suggests we could shape our own lives by constantly learning and improving our skills and abilities.
  • It’s Easier To Win (Desire and Persistence): Nightingale talks about the power of desire and persistence. When a person has a burning desire for something and persists despite obstacles, they can achieve extraordinary things.
  • The Strangest Secret (Belief): “We become what we think about.” This principle highlights the power of belief and the self-fulfilling prophecy. If one truly believes they can achieve something, their actions will align accordingly, leading them towards their goal.
  • The Boss (Leadership): This principle focuses on leadership and the traits of effective leaders. It stresses qualities like understanding, integrity, and the ability to inspire others.
  1. How To Get and Keep Money (Wealth Building): Nightingale discusses practical principles about wealth building, emphasizing that wealth should not be an end, but a means to improve one’s life and the lives of those around them.
  2. Learn and Live (Lifelong Learning): This principle underlines the importance of lifelong learning. Nightingale encourages embracing curiosity and a love for knowledge as crucial parts of personal growth.
  1. The Fog (Risk and Fear): Finally, Nightingale talks about risk and fear. He asserts that fear often holds people back from pursuing their dreams and that taking calculated risks is a necessary part of success.

Remember, these principles require action. Knowing them is a start, but applying them consistently in your life is the true key to success. However you define success for yourself.